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    Electronic Arts 結果共4筆

  • 繼索尼微軟之後 運動遊戲大廠EA宣佈裁員670人

    電子遊戲大廠「美商藝電」(Electronic Arts)宣布,將裁撤約佔全體員工5%的人力,這意謂有670人將面臨失業風險。該公司表示,此次人事調整是為了配合縮減辦公空間,以及停止開發部分「無錢景」遊戲的規劃,讓美商藝電成為繼索尼、微軟之後,又一家遊戲大廠加入裁員行列。根據美國證券交易委員會(SEC)五月份報告顯示,截至去年3月底為止,美商藝電旗下員工總數為1萬3400人。
    2024/02/29 10:20
  • Taiwan sees first real wage decline in seven years

    Taiwan’s average regular earnings for employed workers increased by 2.49% from January to October, reaching NT$45,441. However, this growth is the lowest in the past three years, with total earnings, including bonuses and other irregular income, only up by 1.53%. The average monthly real wage slightly increased by 0.06% to NT$41,370, while the average total real wage decreased by 0.87% to NT$53,960, the first decline in seven years. This decline is attributed to a decrease in year-end bonuses following a cooling economy and a decrease in exports. Despite an overall increase in employment of 10,000 workers compared to last year, the manufacturing industry saw a significant drop of 27,000 employees due to economic adjustments. In October, the average regular wage was NT$45,564, up 0.13% from the previous month and 2.31% year-on-year. Part-time workers’ average hourly regular earnings increased marginally to NT$200, reflecting a 1.01% year-on-year gain. While industries such as arts, entertainment, and leisure services, as well as real estate, experienced wage increases, sectors like computer, electronic, and optical product manufacturing saw significant decreases in total wages by 18.54%. The employment numbers in manufacturing have been impacted by export decline, with an increase of 10,000 employed workers from January to October. The industrial sector saw a decrease of 0.63%, while the service sector grew by 0.67%. Accommodation and food services experienced a growth of 13,000 jobs, arts, entertainment, and leisure services saw an upsurge of 7,000, but manufacturing was hit with a reduction of 27,000 employees.
    2023/12/12 10:17
  • 首家遊戲廠撐不住 美商藝電宣布裁員800人

    愛玩遊戲的男孩女孩,一定對美商藝電(Electronic Arts)不陌生,但廣獲好評的這家遊戲大廠,卻與矽谷、華爾街公司一樣,面臨營運困境和裁員的命運。《CNBC》報導,跨足電腦、電視和手機等多平台的美商藝電,執行長威爾森(Andrew Wilson)日前在內部員工信件中,證實公司裁員的消息,強調將進行內部重組和重新調整辦公室編制,預計將有至少800人將失去工作。
    2023/03/30 11:29
  • 傳黑市掛售電玩軟體 美商藝電坦承原始程式碼遭駭

    互動娛樂軟體公司美商藝電(Electronic Arts)今天表示,駭客竊取原始程式碼和其他軟體工具,至於這起網攻似未對遊戲玩家造成衝擊,也未影響業務營運。
    2021/06/11 10:36
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